The most popular features of Cordova Bay include the beach, Mattick’s Farm, Lochside Trail, and Beach House Restaurant.
Corodova Bay
Cordova Bay today is home to 8,100 residents, and 7% of Saanich’s population. It is unique within Saanich for being made up significantly of both urban and rural lands. It is known for its beach and natural features, and the topography allows for outstanding views from the ridge. Cordova Bay is mostly residential, and has a high proportion of single family homes.
The transition of Cordova Bay from summer retreat to year-round residential area began in the 1940s following the Second World War, as returning personnel sought family housing. During this time, churches were built at Elk Lake and Cordova Bay and the Cordova Bay Elementary School was constructed. Bill Mattick began farming in 1940, finding national markets for vegetables and daffodils. He opened a roadside market stand in 1958 and developed a nine-hole golf course in 1962.
Median household income, at $106,214, is high in Cordova Bay as compared to the District ($77,282) and the region.