Two High Rise Towers Set the Stage for Downtown Langford


Rachael Sansom on behalf of Rejuvenate Dt Langford Nominee Inc. has submitted an application to rezone 5 properties; 913, 917, 921, 925, and 929 Bray Avenue from R2 (One and Two Family Residential) to CC1 (City Centre 1) to allow for the construction of a high density building.

The assembly of five properties are located on the eastern half of the block, near the corner of Jacklin Road. Three of the properties contain two-family dwellings, which are not strata titled, whereas the remaining two properties contain one-family dwellings. All five subject properties have frontage and driveway access off of Bray Avenue.

Despite its Official Community Plan (OCP) designation as City Centre, Bray Avenue has not seen a large uptake in the amount of applications to rezone in order to meet the density objectives found within the OCP. Redevelopment on the street to date has consisted of two-family dwellings, both attached and detached. An application to rezone the property at Carlow Road and Bray Avenue (2865 Carlow Road) to allow a 9-unit townhouse development was adopted in August 2020. 

The developer plans to redevelop the subject properties to accommodate a high density residential or mixed-use residential development but would like flexibility in the design of the building with the understanding that the building must be designed to reflect the regulations of the CC1 Zone. 

The proposed design includes three levels of parking, two underground and one at the grade level with residential units above. In front of the ground level parking, six units will face the street frontage and will be able to have direct walk in access from Bray Avenue, thus satisfying the requirement to create an active building frontage to achieve the higher FAR of 5.0. To access the underground and surface parking a driveway is proposed off of Bray Avenue. 

The developer would like to delay construction of the building to coincide with the sale of the property, after Council has approved rezoning the property to accommodate a higher density. The developer would like to retain the ownership of the properties, as five separate entities owned together, until plans are made for redevelopment, wherein they would consolidate creating one large parcel. Council should be aware that retaining the separate ownership of the properties means these homes can remain as valuable rental stock within the downtown, however, as separate entities they will not singularly satisfy the density requirements of the CC1 Zone, which requires a minimum 1,400 m2 lot size, when they apply for a Development Permit. Therefore, prior to obtaining a development permit they will be required to consolidate to meet this CC1 regulation that cannot be varied.

  • Civic Address 913, 917, 921/23, 925/27 and 929/31 Bray Avenue
  • Legal Description Lots 3-7, Section 79, Esquimalt District, Plan 17397
  • Size of Property 4589 m2 (combined)
  • DP Areas City Centre Development Permit Area
  • Zoning Designation R2 (One and Two Family Residential)
  • OCP Designation City Centre



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