27 new rental apartments in Mayfair area approach completion

New rental housing in Saanic completes on November 1, 2019.


In December 2017 Saanich city council approved the development permit for this project. Four floors, twenty-seven units. Aryze and Purdey Group agreed to a covenant that prevents the building later becoming condos. Unique features include 68 solar panel installation and built-green silver.

Chord by Aryze is now renting for November 1, 2019. The 27 units range from studio to two-bedroom units, and are purposely larger than the market standard. There are 27 surface parking stalls on-site. Devon Properties is handling the lease up and on-going management of the property.

Previously 2 single family homes zoned for apartments

Time lapse of the demolition video here.

3216 Alder Street

3218 Alder Street

$600,000 – 2016/02/26
~8,600 sqft lot
2bed/1bath bungalow

$600,000 2016/02/26
~8,600 sqft lot
2bed/1bath bungalow

The cost was $1,200,000 for the 1,597sqm/17,190sqft site. Based on the plans for a 1.20 FSR the land traded at a cost of $58/buildable sqft.

The architect was Low Hammond. Developed by Aryze.



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