Beacon Hill Park Land Assembly


UPDATE: RE-ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPROVED ON JUNE 22, 2017. Pre-sales 100% sold. The building is now completed and has occupancy.

A JV between two of Victoria’sĀ iconic developers,Ā Tri-Eagle Development Corp and Jawl Residential will add much needed condo product to the Fairfield neighbourhood. The developers have plans to acquire, re-zone, and develop:

Property Parcel Size (sqft) Zoning Acquisition Date
986 Heywood Ave 9,000 R3-AM2 May 10, 2017
988 Heywood Ave 6,000 R1-B May 10, 2017

Tri-Eagle and Jawl Proposal

Submitted on October 27, 2016

  • Four storey, 21 unit stratified condominium (Five 1 bedrooms, Sixteen 2 bedrooms)
  • 1 level undergroundĀ parking with 28 stalls, 3 visitors (1.4 stalls/unit)
  • 1.6 FSR (no change to existing R3-AM2 zoning allowance)
  • 48.54ft / 14.80m total height

The developers have met with Planning & Zoning Committee of Fairfield Gonzales Community Association to address concerns before submission to the city. Approval was achieved on June 22, 2017.

Fairfield Neighbourhood Plan Overview

The properties are situated in the Fairfield Neighbourhood Plan with an ‘Urban Residential’ designation. The city has desires to develop a more refined local area plan for Cook Street Village.Ā There is noĀ immediateĀ plans to begin the Cook Street Village LAP.

CurAn Urban ResidentialĀ designation consists primarily of multi-unit residentialĀ in a wide range of detached and attached buildingĀ forms, including townhouses and row-houses, low andĀ mid-rise apartments, with a residential character publicĀ realm featuring landscaping and street tree planting, andDĀ mixed-uses located along arterial and secondary arterialĀ roads. Urban Residential areas are generally located withinĀ 400 metres of the Urban Core, a Large Urban Village,Ā Town Centre, or frequent transit route, or within 800 metresĀ of a rapid transit station.

Built form of Urban Residential:

  • Low rise and mid-rise multi-unit buildings up to approximately six storeys.
  • Total floor space ratios generally up to 1.2:1
  • Increased density up to a total of 2:1 may be considered


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