Vancouver based investor acquires 3/4 acre in Harris Green


The parking lots beside View Street Towers have been acquired by Vancouver based multifamily investor, Gordon Nelson Group. Both the parcels have an OCP designation of ‘Core Residential’ which recommends an FSR of up to 5.5:1 with a height of up to 20 storeys.

In November 2016 Gordon Nelson acquired the two large surface parking lots at 930 Fort Street and 937 View Street for a combined price of $4,025,000. Gordon Nelson has since submitted two separate rezoning applications for each parcel. Gordon Nelson is an experienced multifamily investor with assets in Vancouver, Victoria, and Tofino.

More information on the two applications for multifamily apartments:
930 Fort Street 
937 View Street

Gordon Nelson later acquired a third adjacent property, 941 View Street, eight months after the initial acquisition of the surface parking lots. The Vendor of 941 View (1109614 B.C. Ltd.) who sold to Gordon Nelson (1121447 B.C. LTD.) only held the property for 2 months and made a gross profit of $275,000.

The recent acquisitions now provides the Gordon Nelson group with 33,186 square feet or 3/4 acre of prime development land in the Harris Green neighbourhood of downtown Victoria.

Gordon Nelson Land Acquisitions Downtown Victoria

PIDCivic AddressMunicipalityZone CodeZone DescriptionOCPRegistered OwnerLot SizeSales HistoryActual Land Use2016 Assessed Total Value
000-410-233937 VIEW ST VictoriaVictoriaR-48Harris Green DistrictUrban Place Designation: Urban Core Residential1092871 B.C. LTD.16,91711/30/2016 $3,371,035.00 Type: IMPRV SINGLE PROPERTY CASHPARKING (LOT ONLY, PAVED OR$2,871,500.00
004-121-325941 VIEW ST VictoriaVictoriaS-1Limited Service DistrictUrban Place Designation: Urban Core Residential1121447 B.C. LTD.7,2486/7/2017 $1,475,000.00 Type: IMPRV SINGLE PROPERTY CASH;

4/12/2017 $1,200,000.00 Type: IMPRV SINGLE PROPERTY CASH
000-416-592930 FORT ST VictoriaVictoriaCA-42Harris Green Commercial DistrictUrban Place Designation: Urban Core Residential1092874 B.C. LTD.9,02111/30/2016 $653,964.00 Type: MULTIPLE PROPERTYPARKING (LOT ONLY, PAVED OR$1,205,400.00

The Harris Green neighbourhood has seen a significant amount of investment from Vancouver based developers. The neighbourhood is centre stage for the over 2,000 dwelling units currently under construction. In the past 20 years it has had a 44% growth rate, the second highest in the City. Harris Green is a commercial centre secondary to downtown, with retail and business uses primarily along Johnson Street and Fort Street. This neighbourhood is the second most dense in the city with only five single detached homes.


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