Gorge @ Tillicum – 53 unit development proposal


A 53 unit residential development is proposed for the SW corner of Gorge & Tillicum Road in Saanich. A five-storey mixed use residential concept would replace the existing single storey strip mall anchored by El Greco restaurant.

The Site

300 Gorge Road West
Lot size: 18645 SQUARE FEET
Zoning: C-2, General Commercial Zone
Owner: Il Greco Holdings Ltd.
Transaction History: $1,070,000 2005/3

2900, 2902, 2904 Tillicum Road
Lot size: 16,662 SQUARE FEET
Zoning: C-2, General Commercial Zone
Owner: Il Greco Holdings Ltd.
Transaction History: $1,160,000 2002/1 and 2014/7

The Local Area Plan (LAP) describes this are as commercial use in the Tillicum-Gorge Urban Village. The Gorge Shopping Centre at the corner of Gorge and Tillicum Roads, and the commercial parcels opposite, provide local retail shopping. A combination of site planning, architecture, land use, and public amenities (landscaping, benches and public art) should be considered to support the “urban village” concept. This is a major intersection and therefore, requires careful attention to the pedestrian environment.

The proposal

Combined Lot SizeL: ~35,307 sqft
FSR: 1.6
Buildable: 56,490 sqft
Units: 53 (mix of one and two bedroom), 3 commercial retail units (CRU)
Parking: 75 spaces (bylaw requires 140)
Amenity Contribution: $80,000 to Saanich Parks for Gorge Waterway improvements

Architect: Alan Lowe
A draft proposal outlines 45 market condominium units, and 8 rental units.


Draft Planning Report to Saanich Council is being reviewed. No dates on when it will go to council at this time.


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